Bihar ek parichay by Imtiyaj Ahmad pdf download

Imtiyaz Ahmad is a noted scholar and author who has made significant contributions to the study of Indian politics, society, and culture. His book “Bihar Ek Parichay” is a comprehensive introduction to the history, society, and politics of the state of Bihar.

The book covers a wide range of topics, including the geography, demography, and economy of Bihar, as well as its political history and cultural heritage. Imtiyaz Ahmad provides an engaging and accessible overview of these complex issues, making the book an ideal resource for students, scholars, and anyone interested in learning more about Bihar.

The first section of the book provides an overview of Bihar’s geography, demography, and economy. Imtiyaz Ahmad explores the state’s diverse regions, including the fertile plains of the Ganges River Valley, the rugged hills of Chotanagpur, and the flood-prone delta of the Mahanadi River. He also examines the state’s population, which is characterized by a rich diversity of castes, religions, and languages, and its economy, which is based on agriculture, industry, and services.

The second section of the book delves into the political history of Bihar, exploring the state’s complex relationship with the central government and the various political movements that have shaped its destiny. Imtiyaz Ahmad provides a detailed analysis of the role of caste, religion, and regional identity in shaping Bihar’s political landscape, and he examines the key political figures and parties that have dominated the state’s politics over the years.

The final section of the book explores Bihar’s cultural heritage, examining its literature, art, music, and cuisine. Imtiyaz Ahmad provides an insightful and engaging overview of the state’s rich cultural traditions, highlighting the contributions of its diverse communities to the country’s cultural heritage.

Overall, “Bihar Ek Parichay” is an excellent introduction to the history, society, and politics of Bihar. Imtiyaz Ahmad’s engaging writing style and comprehensive analysis make the book a must-read for anyone interested in understanding this complex and fascinating state. However, it is important to note that downloading a PDF copy of the book without the author’s permission or paying for it is illegal and unethical. It is essential to respect the intellectual property rights of authors and publishers, and to support the writing and publishing industry by purchasing legitimate copies of books